Block 52 – Priscilla

Our year-long journey has come to an end!  Although I will share my methods for completing the quilt top over the next few months, having the blocks done is a huge accomplishment!

The Priscilla block goes together easily, even with y-seams.  You should get the pattern from Carol’s website and cut out the templates.


Start piecing by adding the (blue) triangles to the center square.


Since we are only making one block, this is a good time to keep a “leader ender” project nearby, so that you can sew on another project at the end of each step rather than cut the thread each time.

image(you can see the blue triangles from the Priscilla block and some 2-1/2″ squares for a different quilt project)

Next, prepare the side triangles for the y-seams by marking a dot 1/4″ from the point of the triangle, where you will stop with needle down and pivot your fabric.


Add the side triangles.  I usually piece opposite sides, rather than adjoining.


Press and trim to 6-1/2″.  Happy Sewing!


One thought on “Block 52 – Priscilla

  1. por favor no dejes de mostrar el quilt finalizado,lo he seguido paso a paso y ahora quisiera saber el montaje.muy amable al tomarte el trabajo de mostrarlo,si conoces alguien que haga los bloques con el tema de los salmos hazmelo saber para continuar.ha sido muy gratificante.un beso.rosario

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