Block 43 – Joanna

We will use a traditional block called Crown of Thorns to represent Joanna.  Please visit the yahoo group for Women of the Bible Quilt to see Carol’s notes and download the paper piecing pattern, which will give you more exact results than my piecing instructions.

Crown of Thorns is a 5×5 layout, which makes the units odd measurements when 6″ is divided by 5…1.2″ is not on most rulers!  So, you will end up cutting off some points with my version.  I personally don’t sweat the small stuff when I am quilting, especially since this is a sampler and those small imperfections will not be noticed by the casual observer.

For this block, you need two fabrics.  I used a green for my main color and a blue for the background.  From the main color, cut 4 squares at 1-5/8″ and 8 squares at 2-1/8″.  From the background color, cut 5 squares at 1-5/8″ and 8 squares at 2-1/8″.  I use the two-at-a-time method to make half square triangles (HST) from the larger squares.  Place one square of each color right sides together.  Draw a diagonal line on the wrong side of the lighter fabric, and stitch 1/4″ away from the line on both sides.  Then you can cut on the line and press the HST.  Trim the HST to 1-3/4″, make 16 HST.

When you have all the HST, lay out the block as shown in the diagram.imageSew the HST into four-patch blocks, with all the HST lined up in the same direction.  Make 4 sets of four patches.  I pressed all seams open to eliminate bulk.image Sew four pairs of plain squares together.imageLay out these units in a nine patch arrangement and sew the block together.imageNote, because of the odd measurements I mentioned, the solid squares are a bit smaller than the HST.  You can use a scant seam when joining the rows together.  The purple stylus shows where my pieces did not line up.imageIt all comes together in the end!  Trim the final block to 6-1/2″.

imageHappy Stitching!




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